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12 Apr

Now I know I am new to blogging and really I shouldn’t have fallen off the wagon so quickly is what many of you must be thinking, but let me tell you it has been quit eventful around our household.

 First off, I had finals to complete all while hubs was finishing up his training the same week. Eva started to walk (eek!), we are trying to plan for Dak to come visit us this summer, and (get ready for this one) if you follow me on twitter or fb you already know we are expecting another Bellz baby. Yes, yes very exciting stuff… each and every one of the listed events has my head spinning these days.

In the meantime we have been enjoying some family time and will be sure to post various blogs all about them. For now I just wanted to make sure I was connected to you and that you knew my reasons for being away. I have also been experiencing some nausea so that along with the tiredness I have thanks to the first trimester has me away from the computer. I don’t even tweet as much as I use to!

Should know more about my due date and Dak’s arrival to Germany in the next few weeks. Will keep you posted. For now, please pray that I start feeling better!!